Three Rivers Energy has been managing energy for large end users since 2002.
PJM Interconnection
Three Rivers Energy manages the energy requirements for a large retail customer with 200MW of load and over 200 accounts spread across nine distribution companies in PA, MD, DE, DC, NJ, and IL. Energy management responsibilities include product structuring, vendor selection, contract negotiation, implementation, account enrollment, scheduling, transmission congestion management, DART optimization,settlement, and allocation. This includes managing the PJM Interconnection LLC relationship on behalf of our customer. We have procured wholesale energy, financial transmission rights (FTRs), and capacity in order to mitigate long term price volatility. As a result, our customer’s energy costs are significantly less than the default utility standard offer service (SOS). We also work directly with our customer’s auditors to assure compliance with FASB and Sarbanes-Oxley regulations. Additionally, we provide budgeting, forecasting, and tracking for this customer.
Three Rivers Energy manages electricity supply on behalf of a large end user of electricity. Responsibilities include product structuring, contract negotiation, implementation, account enrollment, settlement, verification, and allocation. We also provide accounting documentation for our customer auditors to assure compliance with all FASB guidelines. We manage over 50MW of electricity across three utilities and over 125 accounts.
Three Rivers Energy manages a tolling agreement for a large end user of energy. This consists of procuring generation capacity from a state of the art combined cycle natural gas plant, negotiating a gas supply agreement, scheduling and delivering the gas to the generator, and managing the electric supply from generator to ISO to meter and provide all settlement, verification, and cost allocations for over 600 accounts, over 8 million MMBTU of natural gas, and 200 MW of electricity. We also provide budgeting, forecasting, and tracking reports for this customer.
Three Rivers Energy manages 30MW of electricity and over 80 accounts in Oregon. Our responsibilities include rate analysis, product structuring, vendor selection, contract negotiation, transmission and congestion management, settlement, verification, and allocation.
Three Rivers Energy implemented a diesel hedging strategy using heating oil forward contracts for a customer with a large national trucking fleet. This provides stability, predictability of costs while eliminating counterparty risk and costly mark ups associated with fixed price arrangements with multiple regional and local undercapitalized fuel services companies.
Three Rivers Energy has provided energy services in the Alberta market for several years. This experience includes retail electric supply management as well as managing a long term agreement with a large end user in Alberta. This transaction included a complex analysis of an existing supply agreement from which we made a recommendation on new ways to manage energy within the parameters of this agreement. The end result was a dramatic reduction in energy costs for the customer. We worked closely with all aspects of our customer’s organization including legal, accounting, facilities, and their executive team to fully explain the details and risks of the transaction.
Renewable Energy
Three Rivers Energy has developed long term pricing curves for renewable energy taking into account development and deployment forecasts for new energy technologies including biomethane, fuel cells, thin film and PV solar, and wind. The customer used this information to plan a carbon neutral strategy as well as supporting both buy side and sell side activities. Additionally we have provided FERC reporting for customers who have purchased utility scale renewable energy to support their sustainability goals.
California Distributed Generation - Solar
Three Rivers Energy performed an analysis of renewable energy purchasing options for an international high technology company which identified the best opportunities to purchase renewable energy for facilities located in Europe, Asia, North America, and South America.
California Green House Gas
Three Rivers Energy has developed and implemented a greenhouse gas reduction program for a retail customer. This has resulted in a commitment to reduce greenhouse gases by over 5% below year 2000 levels, a comprehensive greenhouse gas inventory and a third party audit.
California, Illinois, Pennsylvania,
Maryland, DC, Colorado, Washington
Three Rivers Energy has assisted in the product design, vendor selection, contract negotiation, implementation, and settlement of core and non-core gas requirements for over 1000 commercial accounts.
Three Rivers energy has provided financial analysis and contract negotiation support for a large retail customer’s distributed generation solar initiative. This has resulted in the implementation of multiple photovoltaic installations with reduced energy costs.